Airworx Go-Command™ UltraBright Mission-Ready | Autel Evo II Enterprise 640T (iRay 640 Thermal) Aircraft System

  • En oferta
  • Precio habitual $13,699.00

The Autel Evo II Enterprise 640T is an iRay brand thermal sensor. Boasting the highest-grade thermal sensor in its class of aerial system, the iRay thermal 640 pixel resolution, this will reduce risk, reduce your mission time on-scene, and enhance your efficiency and success. 

Airworx has coupled this aircraft system with our very own Airworx Go-Command UltraBright case and mission-ready kit solution. 

You will receive the following:

- Autel Evo II Enterprise Aircraft with iRay 640T sensor

- Smart Controller with integrated display

- Attachable Speaker, Spotlight and Anti-Collision Beacon

- 5x Autel flight batteries

- CDC cased Charger (charges 4 batteries simultaneously in about an hour)

- Airworx weatherproof SKB brand Case with 24" UltraBright rugged sunlight viewable monitor mounted in the lid, 60,000mah portable power supply to operate the monitor for ~4 hours, two trays of custom foam to fit all the accessories with room to grow. 

We accept POs and ship to public safety agencies daily! Let us support your agency and UAS program!

